InSight lander of NASA touches down on Mars successfully

    InSight lander of NASA touches down on Mars successfully

    InSight lander of NASA touches down on Mars successfully

    A NASA spacecraft was designed especially to burrow the beneath to the surface of Mars that landed on the red planet on Monday after a journey of 6 months i.e a distance of 482 million-kilometer, a six-minute descent through the rose-hued atmosphere.

    Flight controllers at Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA in Pasadena, California, leaped out of all of their seats and erupted in laughter, applause, and screams, as the news came in the three-legged InSight lander had successfully touched down on the red planet.

    Rob Manning, JPL’s chief engineer said that this is the exactly what they really were hoping and imagined in the mind’s eye. He also said that sometimes the things work in your favor.


    A pair of some mini satellites trailing to the InSight since their May liftoff given practically to the real-time updates of the supersonic descent of spacecraft through the reddish skies.

    The image was clicked by specks of debris on camera cover. But this look at the vista showed a sandy and flat surface. Better pictures will come in some hours or days ahead.

    Manning quoted that What a relief! He also added that this is really a very fantastic thing that has happened and will never get old.

    This InSight spacecraft touched the surface after going from 19,800 km/h to zero in just 6 minutes flat, with help of a parachute and braking engines to slow down it. Radio signals confirmed that landing took more than only 8 minutes to cross around 160 million kilometers between The Earth and Mars.

    Since the 1976 Viking probe, this was the NASA’s 9th attempt to land at Mars.