Top 8 Best and Luxurious Fitness Clubs in Canada

Fitness Clubs in Canada: Physical fitness is a well being and state of health, more specifically, an ability to perform a number of aspects of daily activities, occupations and sports. Physical fitness is achieved through sufficient rest, moderate-vigorous physical exercise and proper nutrition.

Below are the top 8 best and luxurious fitness clubs in Canada:

Before the industrial revolution, fitness was the capacity to carry out the activities in a whole day without undue the fatigue. However, with changes and automation in lifestyles physical fitness is presently is now considered as a measure of the ability of the body to function effectively and efficiently in leisure and work activities, to meet emergency situations, to resist hypokinetic diseases and to be healthy.


1. Mansfield Athletic Club, Montréal: Fitness layouts don’t get cooler than this, and between Brazilian Butt-Lift classes, personal training, yoga, kickboxing, and there’s something for everyone. You also can enjoy a shower to feel smoothie.

Mansfield Athletic Club, Montréal

2. The Cambridge Club, Toronto: Do you enjoy the smell of rich mahogany and leather-bound books? It is a place that offers a place to eat i.e “The Oak Room”, whiskey tastings, supple leather chairs for squash-watching, boxing training. This fitness club is for gents only.


The Cambridge Club, Toronto

3. Studeo 55, Vancouver: Studeo 55 is one of the coolest gyms to visit in Vancouver. This gym is based on a training program, Studeo is an intimate, smart and small gym. Folks like Nick Cannon, Halle Berry, Jessica Alba and Ben Affleck dig this wonderful place.

Studeo 55, Vancouver

4. The Bow Valley Club, Calgary: With an access to the gender-dedicated lounges and exercise floors, some pretty fine dining and on-site meeting rooms, this Calgary club catering to professionals and executives make it easier to get down to the business and fitness.

The Bow Valley Club, Calgary

5. Midtown Athletic Club, Montréal: This social club/family-friendly fitness club has every service and program that everybody needs, all within the walls of modern and beautiful design. Outdoor facilities and pools are also available in this Club which makes this club one of the best fitness club in Montreal.


Midtown Athletic Club, Montréal

6. The Arbutus Club, Vancouver: You need to pay $55,000 + tax as an entrance fee. On 7 acres, among this club has an NHL-sized arena, a curling rink, fitness and upscale dining facilities, a full racquet sports program, and 4 soundproof music studios too to dance and enjoy.


The Arbutus Club, Vancouver

7. The Yorkville Club, Toronto: From the locker room products of Kiehl to the pristine facilities to club-wide WiFi and bath-sized towels, this gym is one of the perfect Yorkville areas to complement. And the food of this club is a huge bonus.

The Yorkville Club, Toronto

8. Banker’s Hall Club, Calgary: Banker’s Hall Club is one of the nicest features like its affiliations. Membership at Banker’s helps you to get into a number of other top-tier fitness venues across Canada, including the Royal Glenora in Edmonton, the Winnipeg Winter Club and the Cambridge Club.

Banker’s Hall Club, Calgary



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